Tabadol Program

Apply to the Tabadol program

Are you an organization operating in Jordan, Lebanon, or Palestine, eager to solve social and environmental problems creatively?

Are you a Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian or Syrian social entrepreneur looking to expand their horizons and to bring innovation to organizations?

TABADOL is for you!

Our next call for applications will start mid 2025 – Sign up for makesense newsletter to receive all our program updates or follow us on Instagram

What are the criterias to apply?

Your organization is eligible to the Tabadol program if:

  • It falls under the definition of Civil Society Organization by the Asfari Foundation (non-state and not-for-profit organization: community-based, non-governmental, social entreprises)
  • It has been operating for at least 2 years
  • It is registered in Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, or was founded by Syrians and is registered anywhere in the world but Syria
  • It holds a bank account under the name of the organization
  • It is supporting Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian or Syrian populations
  • It has demonstrated an impact on at least one of the listed thematics of the Asfari Foundation: Active citizenship & civic engagement, Education & life-long learning, Entrepreneurship, Feminism & gender, Good governance, Independent media, Tech & Innovation
  • It has its own sustainability at heart and has already worked concretely on improving its sustainability
  • Its annual budget exceeds 100K USD (if not, you will be requested to show how your organization’s size, processes and/or aspirations are close to those of well-established organizations)
  • It is able to nominate a focal point for the Tabadol program who will commit to the Tabadol project and meet reporting and attendance requirements
  • Its designated focal point is eager to work hand-in-hand with a fellow social entrepreneur to enhance your sustainability and to provide fellow with weekly support, access to communities, as well as know-how

Your are eligible to the Tabadol program as a social entrepreneur fellow if:

  • You are Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian, or Syrian (living outside of Syria)
  • You have initiated an impact-driven project that tackles at least one of the thematic areas of the Asfari Foundation: Active citizenship & civic engagement, Education & life-long learning, Entrepreneurship, Feminism & gender, Good governance, Independent media, Tech & Innovation
  • You are able to demonstrate that you have been working on your project for more than one year (you have tested and prototyped your idea, conducted user consultations, etc.)
  • You are not currently working full-time and can commit to the fellowship part time (at least 2 days a week and up to 3 days a week)
  • You are eager to work hand-in-hand with a CSO on a project enhancing their sustainability and to bring an innovative mindset to this project
  • You can commit to the fellowship objectives, reporting and attendance requirements and are willing to demonstrate results
  • You believe that collaborating with a CSO can be beneficial for your entrepreneurial project, giving you access to new know-how, knowledge, and network.

Selection to the Tabadol fellowship program follows 4 main phases:

  • Application through the online application form
  • Shortlisting based on the response to the form and eligibility criteria
  • Matchmaking between CSOs and social entrepreneurs for them to meet their fellow
  • Interviews and final selection of CSO and social entrepreneurs matches